The exam shows a superficial erosion in the right retroauricular sulcus.

Bacterial Culture: Positive for Many Staph aureus - resistant to Pen and Erythro
Pt. Started on mupirocin cream
Note: She is an obstetrical nurse and has contact with newborns. Her staph infection is of potential import here.
Marks MB, Gluck JC, Lavi E, Halem-Sinclair E.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 1981 May;4(5):519-22
An unsuspected sign of cutaneous allergy.
An eczematous eruption in the superior retroauricular areas of the scalp and often on the posterior aspects of the pinnas may be seen in about 30% of allergic children. The eruption is not generally noticed because the overhanging hair covers the affected areas. The dermatitis is seen mainly in those children afflicted with bronchial asthma, perennial allergic rhinitis, or both. A previous history of atopic or seborrheic dermatitis is, as a rule, not elicited.
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