This is a 7-year-old boy who developed multiple patches of hypopigmentation on the dorsum of the hands for 3 years. He had a history of atopic dermatitis and had severe eczema of the hands prior to development of the hypopigmentation on the hands. According to the mother, he had secondary infection with crusts formation on the hands. The lesions were patchy hypopigmented macules mainly on the dorsum of the hands and feet. There were no family history of similar pigmentation. Wood's lamp examination however showed accentuation of the hypopigmented lesions.
Based on history this is most likely post inflammatory. Other differential considered includes vitiligo. Vitiligo is probably unlikely in this patient as the hypopigmentation developed after he had eczema with secondary infection of the hands and feet.
Any suggestions for this hypopigmentation? Would UVB or tacrolimus ointment help?
Thanks for your comments.

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