A 69-year-old woman presented with a six-month history of a lesion on the bulb of the nose. This began after her Maltese dog scratched her on the nose and the area has never healed. She used mupirocin ointment without relief, in addition.
EXAMINATION: The examination shows a light-complected Caucasian. She has an irregular 1 cm in diameter crusted area on the bulb of the nose.
Pathology: A shave biopsy was taken for diagnostic purposes. This showed an infiltrating BCC. The photomicrographs were taken by Dr. Jag Bhawan, SkinPath at Boston University School of medicine.



Plan: I will recommend micrographic surgery.
Question: I hear this story frequently. My cat, dog, grandkid scratched me on my nose, cheek, etc. and it didn't heal properly. I assume it's just chance -- but what do you think. Should she put the dog down? What would PETA say?
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