I'm currently on a rotation up in the Northwest Territories and I just came back from a three-day travel clinic in Inuvik. We were asked to consult on a 40 yo woman who essentially has wide-spread rash. Was wondering whether you guys had any ideas.
Hx and O.E: Sudden-onset maculopapular pruritic rash on the trunk (both front + back) and upper extremities including hands, no obvious triggers or contacts according to the GP. Tried steroid cream + Benadryl with no effect, used Prednisone and cleared almost immediately. Took the Prednisone away and immediately came back, so restarted the Prednisone a second time and tried to taper off slowly this time... again, when Prednisone was taken away, rash came back (although during taper apparently she didn't have any symptoms.
Biopsy:They got a skin biopsy, and unfortunately don't remember the exact details of the biopsy (sorry), except that it raised the possibility of SLE.
Lab: GP did ANA, which was positive. Subsequently did C3/C4 + dsDNA, which were negative.
Steroids being slow-tapered again, and she had no rash when I saw her yesterday afternoon. She works on/off as hotel housekeeper, but insists no new contacts / cleaning products.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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