A month ago, a 14-year old girl presented to the paediatricians with a fever, arthralgia and small purpuric and possibly target-like spots on her legs. She had been previously well and had taken no medications. After extensive negative investigation she was commenced on penicillin in case she had bacterial endocarditis, and was sent home.
She was readmitted yesterday with on-going fever and arthralgia, and crops of extremely painful plaques mainly affecting her face. Earlier lesions on her abdomen and limbs have resolved leaving marked hypo-hyperpigmentation or scarring. Biopsy of the plaque on her neck shows full thickness necrosis histologically with little inflammation. EM-like. Several new plaques have been observed to arise overnight despite an initial dose of prednisone 40mg. There is no mucosal involvement to date.
All tests so far negative - we are thinking up some more tests but we don't know the correct diagnosis. No other drugs as far as we can ascertain.
Has anyone seen anything like this? Is it erythema multiforme? Other possible diagnosis? Treatment?

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