Welcome, New Members from the Penang Conference

Please look at two interesting cases.
This is the tale of two young patients with warts who were seen back to back on November 17, 2007. Verruca vulgaris (the common wart) is sometimes quite "uncommon."
1. This is a seven year old boy who has had acute lymphocytic leukemia fr three years. He has had recalcitrant warts for the past nine months. At present he has failed liquid nitrogen, TCA and imiquimod. His present medications include methotrexate, 6 mercaptopurine, vincristine and dexamethasone. Each therapy for his warts has resulted in more florid reappearance. This child has suffered a lot over the past few years. Clearing his warts would be a small but pleasant victory for him. Your comments will be appreciated.

2. This is a 12 year old girl who initially had a small wart on her knee. Her physician treated with TCA and then liquid nitrogen over a few months. Each time the wart recurred larger. One can see concentric rings from previous treatments. I'd like to find a treatment that won't cause permanent scarring. In theory, the wart will disappear in a year or two, so the therapy should be benign. I prefen not the use liquid nitrogen or cautery here. Have you had success with warts like these?

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