Abstract: 71 yo woman with three week history of genital, anal and umbilical erosions.
HPI: This healthy 71 yo woman had vaginal prutitus for a few weeks. She saw her gynecologist who prescribed an estrogen cream. It got worse. She was then given clobetasol oint. It did not improve. She tried acyclovir ointment -- not much change. I saw her at this point. I recommended continuing clobetasol ointment, but after a few days getting worse. No new meds. Takes occasional acetoaminophen and diphenylhydramine.
O/E: Periumbilical erosive dermatitis. No frank vesicles. There was only faint erythema of the vulva and anal areas and very slight erosion left groin.

Lab: CBC normal, Chemistries normal. KOH from umbilicus negative. Bacterial culture taken.
Pathology: Biopsies for H&E and perilesional for DIF done Feb. 8, 2008
Diagnosis: I am considering the following:
A vesiculobullous disorder
Fixed drug eruption (but have no likely candidates)
Contact dermatitis unlikely.
HSV a long shot.
Periumbilical cellulitis? B-Strep perianal cellulitis can look similar
What have I missed?
Questions: What are your thoughts? Biopsy and culture should be ready in three days.
The bacterial skin culture grew out Group A Beta Strep. The pathology was consistent with cellulitis. No evidence of an acantholytic process. It is likely that this began with a perianal/vaginal streptococcal cellulitis and spread to the umbilicus. Periumbilical streptococcal cellulitis has not been reported in adults. The patient was started on Pen VK 250 mg qid and mupirocin ointment. Fout days later she was almost completely clear. Unfortunately, the fluorescent correction was not on when picture was taken.

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