HPI: This 16 mo Chinese girl presented for evaluation of a lip lesion that has been present for two months. It waxes and wanes in size. The lesion does not appear to bother her. Her mother speaks little English and is very worried about this lesion.
O/E: 6 mm translucent cyst lower lip
Clincal Photo:
Lab/Path: N/A
Diagnosis: Mucous Cyst (Ranula)
Questions: How would you approach this patient? I need to find a translator so that I can have a meaningful discussion with the child's mother. In the past, I have treated a few of these with liquid nitrogen and they did well, but that might be very traumatic for this child (and the mother). Might have to find a pediatric ENT (the closest would be ~ 75 miles from here)
Reference: There are two good chapters on eMedicine.com
and eMedicine2.com The latter is more detailed.
This is the largest study I found, and I'll write to the authors.
Clinical review.com2 of 580 ranulas.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2004 Sep;98(3):281-7.
Zhao YF, Jia Y, Chen XM, Zhang WF.
CONCLUSION: Three patterns of ranula have similar clinical and histopathologic findings, although plunging ranula has some different clinical features. Removal of the sublingual gland via an intraoral approach is necessary in the management of various clinical patterns of the ranula. Recurrence rates of ranulas of any type are excessive unless the involved sublingual gland is removed.
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