A Dermatologic Vignette.
The patient is a 78 yo woman with a few year history of an enlarging lesion on the nasal tip. Excellent health.
Eight mm in diameter pearly papule nasal tip. Clinically and dermoscopically BCC.
Pathology shows this to be a trichoeoithelioma:

Question: Observe, refer to Mohs, radiate?
Would surgery be deforming in this site? vs. Is radiotherapy overkill?
Reference: There are very few references which address this type of lesion, unless we consider this to be like a BCC. But here is one.
Aygun C, Blum JE. Trichoepithelioma 100 years later: a case report supporting the use of radiotherapy. Dermatology. 1993;187(3):209-12.
Trichoepitheliomas are rare skin tumors which can cause significant cosmetic and functional impairment when they occur in the head and neck area. Multiple methods of treatment including plastic surgery, dermabrasion, cryosurgery and laser surgery have been reported in the literature. A 32-year-old male with multiple coalesced lesions in his ear canals was treated with radiation therapy after he failed more conventional methods of treatment. He is free of tumor in the radiated area 17.5 months after treatment with significant functional improvement. Various aspects of this tumor were reviewed. More data are still needed to define the proper place for radiation in the management of this disease.
Remember Dorinda and Walter Shelley's poem:
Who knows
Who's nose
Needs Mohs
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