HPI: This 17 yo student has an 8 year history of a summer eruption. She has a pruritic eruption of her hands and distal forearms starting in spring and lasting till late fall. In winter her skin is perfectly normal. She has used triamcinalone 0.1% ointment without relief and similarly has not been helped with sunscreens.
O/E: Mild lichenification and a fine micro-papular eruption on the dorsum of the hands. A few serum crusts. No vesicles or h/o vesicles.
Photos (7/16/09)

Note no facial lesions

Diagnosis: Atypical Photodermatitis in a teenaged girl. Consider PCT, Hydroa variant, photoactivated atopoic dermatitis (nothing fits perfectly at this time)
Plan: 24 hour urine for porphyrins. Broad spectrum sunscreen for hands and clobetasol ointment after a 20 minute soak. Not sure biopsy will be helpful, but will do at next visit. PCT would be unusual but the porphyrias need to be ruled out.
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