HPI: The patient is a 40 yo man who sustained traumatic abrasions of his leg and arm from a motorcycle accident on May 31, 2011. He has a history of chronic vesicular dermatitis of hands and feet complicated by recurrent staphyloccal cellulitis of legs. The wound on his right knee became infected and he was hospitalized over the summer on two occasions for parenteral antibiotics and debridement. As a result of this wound he has lot his job and his family is living marginally.
O/E: September 14, 2011. There is a nine cm relatively clean ulcer over the right knee. It has shown no tendancy to heal over the past month.
Clinical Photograph:

Diagnosis: Ulcer right knee.
Questions: How would you approach this lesion so that the patient can heal and get back to work? At present, he is getting dressing changes a few times a week and there are no plans for further surgical interventions. It looks like this will take months to heal by secondary intention.
Follow-Up: 10/19/2011 I have seen the patient on two occasions since this posting. The ulcer is ~ 75% better with just daily dressing changes with Vaseline impregnated gauze. He has not needed any further antibiotics. I expect it will be completely re-epitheliazed in two to three weeks.
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