Presented by Henry B.B. Foong
Foong Skin Clinic, Ipoh, Malaysia
Abstract: 20 yo man with mouth ulcers, arthralgias, skin nodulesFoong Skin Clinic, Ipoh, Malaysia
HPI: The patient is a 20 yr old student who presented with a 3 year history of recurrent mouth ulcers, polyarthralgia (knee, ankles), fever and tender nodules over the shoulders, elbows and legs. The attacks occur about every 6 months and responded to oral prednisolone. Apparently the nodules run a predictable course - initial erythema, then tender nodule then ulcerate and then subside leaving behind post inflammatory hyperpigmentation – all over 3-4 weeks. There is no photosensitivity, alopecia or cough. There is a family history of similar illness.
O/E: Multiple erythematous tender nodules over the elbows, legs , upper shoulders and scrotum. Those on the scrotum – severe, multiple tender nodules, of which ulcerated with scab formation. Multiple tender ulcers were also noted on the inner mouth.
Clinical Photos: (taken with iPhone)

LAB: (Some pending)
TWBC 11, 700 (N 67% L 18% E 1% M 12% B1%) ESR 44 mm/hr
Mycoplasma serology 1: 160 ( N<1:40)
LFT and renal normal
Pathology: Pending
Dignosis: Behcet’s? PAN? SLE?
Questions: What are your thoughts? Any further studies indicated?
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