The patient is a one year old boy with an almost life-long history of atopic dermatitis. His father (age 30) has persistent facial eczema. His mother has significant food allergies (nuts and fruit cause angioedema and laryngeal edema). This child's facial eczema has proved difficult to control. Topical steroids have been of value (fluocinalone 0.25% ointment); but topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus have not been effective. I suspect he may have food allergies. In addition, there is a cat at home. I think he needs to be tested for cat allergy. Food testing is controversial. Would serum IgE measurement be of value? Role of staph superinfection needs to be considered as staph, acting as a superantigen, may be driving this. I'd appreciate your thoughts. DJE

Child S.A.D.

Child S.A.D.
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