Saturday, March 12, 2005

Genital Papules in a 25 yo woman

Presented by:
Dr. Jayakar Thomas
KK CHILDS Trust Hospital, & Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India
E mail:

The patient is a 25 yo married woman from Chennai, India who presented with itchy papules over the vulval area for the last two years. There was no history suggestive of risk of acquiring any STD.

Physical Exam: Clinical examination revealed a healthy very good-looking young lady with multiple papules over her genital region.

Lab: Nil relevant

Histopathology : Not done

Diagnosis: Verruca plana

Comment: We see verruca vulgaris and condyloma usually in these site.

25 yo woman Posted by Hello
Verruca plana is not common. This lady was in the habit of shaving her pubic hairs which has resulted in spread and persistence of lesions.
Topical 5% imiqumod should help if used with caution.

Question: What do the members feel would be the management strategy?


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