I saw a new born today at the neonatal ward. He is the first child, just delivered today by LSCS for fetal distress. Noted to have generalized erythematous wheals and papules. Some of the wheals and papules appear to form blisters. The mother had no history of any infection during her pregnancy. On examination the child appeared comfortable and not in distress. Sleeping and quiet. Afebrile. Generalised erythematous raised papules and wheals were noted on the face, trunk and upper limbs. Some of the wheals blanche with pressure. Tried to elicit darier’s sign – mild erythema but not raised. The wheals were intensely erythematous and inflamed on certain parts of the neck and face.
Clinically he has urticaria pigmentosa
His blood counts : TWBC 3100 Eosinophils 20%
Platelets 44 000
G6PD - pending
Though the rash appeared intense, the child was comfortable. Would you have started him on oral hydroxizine? Would you investigate further – hematological malignancy, etc the parents were advised about trigger factors (rubbing) and drugs (anesthetics, etc). thanks, Henry Foong
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