Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Vesiculobullous eruption in a three year-old

Presented by Dr. Yogesh Jain

History: A 3 year old girl presented with vesiculobullous lesions mainly over neck, upper back, right iliac region, scalp & few over abdomen & lower leg for the past week.
There was a history of fever 7 days ago that lasted for 5 days, high grade, more at night.  No loss of appetite, normal sleep, bowel & bladder habits.
Her elder brother had similar lesions over the scalp 3 weeks back, for which, he has received treatment & was cured.

O/E: She was afebrile with normal general & systemic exam. The vesicles were tense, & on rupture, producing a yellowish watery discharge, somewhat itchy, forming a scaby base with circumscribed borders.

Clinical Photos:

Diagnosis:  We are asking your help for this.


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